Cold Morning Around the Region

Check out those early morning temperaturs. Not a fun way to start the work week.

6AM temperatures around Southern New England are very cold for early/mid November…with widespread 20s and some locations even down into the 10s. Here on the Cape, intermittent cloud cover rolling in off the water kept temperatures a bit milder, with readings on average closer to the freezing mark around most of the area – though plenty of backyards are also down into the 20s.

The cold start to the day will lead to a chilly Monday overall with highs again stuck in the 40s. This is a solid 10F below the average high for this time of year, which is in the lower 50s.

Thus far, November is off to a cold start, with well below average temperatures dominating the first third of the month. Sunday’s high of 43F and low of 28F yielded a temperature departure of -10.9F and brought the month to date down to -4.2F.