Mild Weekend

After a cold week, we’re lucking out and getting much milder weather for the weekend.

Friday night started off clear, calm and cold, with temperatures quickly dropping back into the upper 20s and lower 30s during the evening hours. Across most of the Cape, readings continued to tick downward overnight as calm conditions allowed for near perfect radiational cooling. However very late last night and first thing this morning, a light southerly wind began to develop across the area and temperatures responded accordingly – jumping from the 20s back into the 30s.

The milder southerly flow will continue through the day today, pushing temperatures back to 50 to 55F this afternoon under partly sunny skies – call it a changeable sky with times of blue sky and sunshine but also some episodes of cloud cover. With the southerly wind deepening over the area tonight, temperatures won’t be nearly as cold this evening as last night and are likely to hold in the 40s for overnight low temperatures.

While clouds will be more prevelant tomorromow, even milder readings are expected. Highs will push well into the 50s with a strengthening southerly breeze. There could be a couple of passing showers or some pockets of mist around during the day but the worst of the wet weather (and a lot of wind) will hold off until Sunday night and Monday.