Breezy and Cold

Off and on flurries, snow showers and some heavier snow squalls left a coating to two inches of fresh snow around the area last night, mostly on the Mid, Lower and Outer Cape. The snow was the result of some upper level energy rotating through the region and a wind blowing off the relatively mild ocean wates.

Sunday dawned clear and cold on the Upper Cape, with temperatures in the lower 10s. From about Hyannis eastward, temperatures will a bit warmer (middle 10s to lower 20s) as clouds continued to roll in off the ocean, spitting out some light flurries and snow showers. Over the course of the day today this cloud cover will dissipate and sunshine will emerge across the entire area. It will remain quite cold with temperatures only in the middle and upper 20s this afternoon. Busy northwest winds will continue, adding a sting to the air.

The visible satellite image above shows the ocean effect cloud cover over the eastern half of the Cape, while sunny skies cover the rest of Southern New England.