Mostly Dry But Mainly Gray

We have temporarily turned off the rain. Unfortunately, the same can’t be said for the cloud cover.

We are in between weather systems today but a lot of low level moisture remains locked in place over New England along with a cool onshore flow of air. The result is an abundance of cloud cover across the region.

The good news is, aside from a touch of morning mist and a few sprinkles, our Saturday will be precipitation-free.

The bad news is, it’ll be tough to scour out the moisture today so clouds will be stubborn around the region. If we’re lucky, we’ll see some holes in the overcast develop during midday and move in and out of the region through the afternoon. Visible satellite imagery from late morning (shown) does have some pockets of clear skies attempting to head our way – so hopefully that’ll hold together and yield at least a few splashes of sunshine and blue sky for a time.