Very Humid…Showers, Downpours, Thunder

Our stretch of extremely muggy weather continues today and will be accompanied by the chance for showers at just about anytime during the daylight hours.

One round of showers and thunderstorms moved across the area early this morning and radar imagery as of mid-morning showed another large area of showers and tropical downpours off to our south and west, poised to head our way during the midday hours. While the day won’t be a total washout, Saturday will certainly be the uglier of the two weekend days with mainly gray skies and fairly high odds for some passing wet weather. With so much moisture in the air, any showers that do pass through have the potential to bring brief bouts of very heavy/tropical rain.

The weather system responsible for the inclement weather will shift seaward tonight and be replaced by clearing skies and much more pleasant – albeit still very warm and very humid – weather for Sunday.