Cold Air Returns

A second shot of abnormally cold air is poised to drop into the Northeast, giving us another couple of late December-like weather days tomorrow and Wednesday.

While temperatures are starting in the lower 50s today, readings won’t climb all that much as colder air (initially aloft) is already in the process of building back into the region. Highs will generally be between 50 and 55F today, which is close to average for this time of year,…but a gusty west wind will make it feel a bit cooler at times through the day.

That gusty west wind will help transport deeper cold into the region tonight, with temperatures eventually dropping back into the lower 30s overnight. That will set the stage for another round of very chilly (by November standards) weather for Tuesday. Despite a good deal of sunshine, tomorrow’s temperatures will once again struggle to reach 40F and the chilly air will be accompanied by a gusty breeze throughout the day. Similarly cold temperatures are expected Wednesday.